Tuesday, August 27, 2024

It is like this only, the islamic and conservative dress code for women

 It is like this only 

Women dress attractively and provocatively, to attract and instigate all and sundry It is a lure they lay out for the men, in the most basic instinctual way, the way animals do in Nature They want all and sundry to approach them and they crave to insult and reject. This is their dream. This is the main requirement. for them to feel good. That is why they reject all entreaties to dress conservatively

Now it becomes a situation of choices

There are men who can handle rejection. They approach, get rejected & go on to other women, until they get one. In any such case, everyone gets a woman if they go through a series of rejections. 

There are other men who approach once and get dejected if rejected, they may not get a woman of their choice unless social groups put him together with a woman of their choice

Then there are men who do not care about approaching and approval. They just take the ball in their hands and play. wherever they can, in public, private, anywhere!

There are women who can handle the heat They can face it, fight it and win it. Gaining all the more thrill and strength to show for all the more fight. They choose to continue to dress sexily in public, whatever happens to others in news.

There are groups who do not care about getting arrested, paraded and prosecuted they continue to take the girls who attract them in their hands and play with them. Ironically. except in cases where the women like in India have vested interest of a windfall profit. the women neither complain nor prosecute, but they comply and indulge themselves

The girls who cannot handle such situations,choose to dress attractively only in familiar circumstances, where they expect to be seen by their target audience.

In places where strangers are crowding. they dress to cover up the features that attract men, and remain in the security of other females in a group.

Thus, it is a matter of individual motives, risk profiles as men behave in share markets.

Instead of women expecting all the men to follow morals, restraints and codes. of conduct that women conceive and prescribe as women for men, they can adopt their own risk faking profiles, after identifying through real life experiences and choose their dressing pattern accordingly.

Men, instead of expecting women to be explainable and accountable to men for their choice of exposure, they can understand women's natures, compulsions and motives and interact with women according to their own risk taking capacites in handling rejections by women who they get attracted to,by exposure.In the real world, women do whatever they want, do whatever that makes them feel good and empowered, competitive in the market for attraction, because men are there to fight for them and suitors are there to compete and 

win them over.  Women will never explain anywhere,anything to anyone,  the why's of their exposing instinct.

It is their compulsion, instinct and privilege. They imply to men, " Love us or leave us & get lucky if one of us picks you".

Men can either  continue to fight the windmill, or comply, comprehend and behave by implication as women want and dictate

None can change anything.It is the way things were , things are and will be forever.

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