Ten Forecasts for 2009 and Beyond Forecast # 1: Everything you say and do will be recorded by 2030. By the late 2010s, ubiquitous unseen nanodevices will provide seamless communication and surveillance among all people everywhere. Humans will have nanoimplants, facilitating interaction in an omnipresent network. Everyone will have a unique Internet Protocol (IP) address. Since nano storage capacity is almost limitless, all conversation and activity will be recorded and recoverable. — Gene Stephens, “Cybercrime in the Year 2025,” THE FUTURIST July-Aug 2008.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Ten Forecasts for 2009 and Beyond
Forecast #2: Bioviolence will become a greater threat as the technology becomes more accessible. Emerging scientific disciplines (notably genomics, nanotechnology, and other microsciences) could pave the way for a bioattack. Bacteria and viruses could be altered to increase their lethality or to evade antibiotic treatment.— Barry Kellman, “Bioviolence: A Growing Threat,” THE FUTURIST May-June 2008.
#3: The car's days as king of the road will soon be over. More powerful wireless communication that reduces demand for travel, flying delivery drones to replace trucks, and policies to restrict the number of vehicles owned in each household are among the developments that could thwart the automobile’s historic dominance on the environment and culture. If current trends were to continue, the world would have to make way for a total of 3 billion vehicles on the road by 2025. — Thomas J. Frey, “Disrupting the Automobile’s Future,” THE FUTURIST, Sep-Oct 2008.
Forecast #4: Careers, and the college majors for preparing for them, are becoming more specialized. An increase in unusual college majors may foretell the growth of unique new career specialties. Instead of simply majoring in business, more students are beginning to explore niche majors such as sustainable business, strategic intelligence, and entrepreneurship. Other unusual majors that are capturing students' imaginations: neuroscience and nanotechnology, computer and digital forensics, and comic book art. Scoff not: The market for comic books and graphic novels in the United States has grown 12% since 2006. —THE FUTURIST, World Trends & Forecasts, Sep-Oct 2008.
Forecast# 4:
There may not be world law in the foreseeable future, but the world's legal systems will be networked. The Global Legal Information Network (GLIN), a database of local and national laws for more than 50 participating countries, will grow to include more than 100 counties by 2010. The database will lay the groundwork for a more universal understanding of the diversity of laws between nations and will create new opportunities for peace and international partnership.— Joseph N. Pelton, "Toward a Global Rule of Law: A Practical Step Toward World Peace,"
The FuturistNov-Dec 2007.
Dear Reader,
What kind of person joins the World Future Society? Do you believe that the present could be better than it is? Can you imagine that groups or even individuals could make a meaningful difference for the future? Would you be willing to explore ways in which the future might be improved? Then perhaps the World Future Society might be the organization for you.
FIND OUT how others are making their own futures brighter and more promising. DISCOVER what opportunities may be waiting just around the next corner.
UNCOVER the tools you will need to anticipate both the potholes and the clear paths in the road ahead.
ARE YOU inquisitive and resourceful, willing to take a few extra steps to improve your future?
ARE YOU thoughtful and imaginative, interested in perceiving opportunities and obstacles before they arise?
ARE YOU concerned and caring, hopeful about the future but also cautious about possible risks affecting your community or the world at large?
For the past 40 years, the World Future Society has been a trusted source of valuable information about the possibilities, the obstacles and the strategies surrounding navigation in our increasingly complex world. We offer our members critical information, indispensable tools and essential connections to a toolkit of ‘best practices’ for coping with escalating change and often bewildering globalization.
The term “futures” as used in financial commodity markets has been of great concern to many the past few months, because of the enormous turmoil that is assaulting the financial world today. The insights, trends and tools offered by WFS can be of great assistance in understanding the nature of this turmoil, and better equip members in facing their future, identifying critical issues, relevant early signals and bellwethers for change that can highlight opportunities and alert you of the rocks and shoals ahead.
My name is Timothy Mack. I am president of the World Future Society. In this bulletin, I'll share other forecasts with you and tell you how you can receive — completely without risk — a valuable guide to important trends in the years ahead. It's FREE with an introductory membership.
Futurists do not claim to be able to predict the future. So much of what will happen in the future depends on what we humans decide to do. If we could know the future with certainty, it would mean that the future could not be changed. Yet this is a main purpose of studying the future: to look at what may happen if present trends continue, decide if this is what is desirable, and, if it's not, work to change it. Knowing the trends can empower you for effective action.
So you can't know the future. But you can know a lot about probable future developments. This is valuable knowledge because it offers you an essential edge for success in a rapidly changing world.
A Crisis or an Opportunity? What Makes the Difference?
The critical difference is whether you are prepared. If you're aware of possible developments… if you see changes coming… you can take action and prepare yourself. In a rapidly changing world, new opportunities are emerging everywhere. If you get an advance notice of these possible changes, you can be ready. You can ride these waves of change to benefit your career, your business, your family and your investments.
The news — even instant news — is recent history. But understanding trends and possible future developments is some of the most valuable knowledge you can have. It enables you prepare while you still have the opportunity and time to act.
Here are a few more thought-provoking forecasts…
Forecast #6: The race for biomedical and genetic enhancement will — in the twenty-first century — be what the space race was in the previous century. Humanity is ready to pursue biomedical and genetic enhancement, says UCLA professor Gregory Stock, the money is already being invested, but, he says, “We'll also fret about these things — because we're human, and it's what we do.” — Gregory Stock quoted in THE FUTURIST, Nov-Dec 2007.
Forecast #7: Professional knowledge will become obsolete almost as quickly as it's acquired. An individual's professional knowledge is becoming outdated at a much faster rate than ever before. Most professions will require continuous instruction and retraining. Rapid changes in the job market and work-related technologies will necessitate job education for almost every worker. At any given moment, a substantial portion of the labor force will be in job retraining programs. — Marvin J. Cetron and Owen Davies, "Trends Shaping Tomorrow's World, Part Two," THE FUTURIST May-June 2008.
Forecast #8: Urbanization will hit 60% by 2030. As more of the world's population lives in cities, rapid development to accommodate them will make existing environmental and socioeconomic problems worse. Epidemics will be more common due to crowded dwelling units and poor sanitation. Global warming may accelerate due to higher carbon dioxide output and loss of carbon-absorbing plants. — Marvin J. Cetron and Owen Davies, “Trends Shaping Tomorrow's World,” THE FUTURIST Mar-Apr 2008.
Forecast #9: The Middle East will become more secular while religious influence in China will grow. Popular support for religious government is declining in places like Iraq, according to a University of Michigan study. The researchers report that in 2004 only one-fourth of respondents polled believed that Iraq would be a better place if religion and politics were separated. By 2007, that proportion was one-third. Separate reports reveal a countertrend in China. — World Trends & Forecasts, THE FUTURIST Nov-Dec 2007.
Forecast #10: Access to electricity will reach 83% of the world by 2030. Electrification has expanded around the world, from 40% connected in 1970 to 73% in 2000, and may reach 83% of the world's people by 2030. Electricity is fundamental to raising living standards and access to the world's products and services. Impoverished areas such as Sub-Saharan Africa still have low rates of electrification; Uganda is just 3.7% electrified. — Andy Hines, “Global Trends in Culture, Infrastructure, and Values,” Sep-Oct 2008.
What is the World Future Society? We are 25,000 individuals around the world who share a common idea. We believe that people can create a better future for themselves and all humankind by studying possible future developments and making wise choices. We believe that a better tomorrow is built today.
Our members are business leaders, policy makers, educators, entrepreneurs, students, and retirees. They come from virtually every field and industry, and they're located in more than 80 countries. World Future Society members receive many exclusive benefits, including a subscription to THE FUTURIST magazine. You are invited to join us today with a special offer and benefit from the unique perspective a knowledge of the future can offer.
I would like to show you some of the techniques futurists use to discover the opportunities and challenges of tomorrow. You'll see how people have used knowledge about the future to achieve remarkable success. And you'll also see how you can use these techniques yourself to help your business, career, your family and your investments.
How to Spot Important Trends Years Ahead of the Crowd
World Future Society members have access to the work of futurists around the world in the pages of THE FUTURIST magazine.
In the age of the Internet and 24/7 news, there is a serious glut of information, making it hard to determine what's really going on. THE FUTURIST gives you a way to make sense of our rapidly changing world. Each issue of THE FUTURIST will brief you on the most important trends that affect your business, career, family, investments, and the world in general.
We present the most significant trends divided into six sectors that are commonly used by professional business planners.
Nanotechnology Breakthroughs
of the Next 15 Years
Nanotechnology — the manipulation of materials and machines at the nano-scale — one billionth of a meter — promises exciting new developments. Interviews with a group of nanotechnology experts yielded this list of likely developments:
Two to five years from now:
Car tires that need air only once a year.
Complete medical diagnostics on a single computer chip.
Go-anywhere concentrators that produce drinkable water from air.
Five to 10 years
Powerful computers you can wear or fold into your wallet.
Drugs that turn AIDS and cancer into manageable conditions.
Smart buildings that self-stabilize during earthquakes or bombings.
10 to 15 years
Artificial intelligence so sophisticated you can't tell if you're talking on the phone with a human or a machine.
Paint-on computer and entertainment video displays.
Elimination of invasive surgery, since bodies can be monitored and repaired almost totally from within.
Get complete details in our new special report Exploring Tomorrow. To find out how you can get it FREE with membership in the World Future Society
The sectors are:
Breakthrough Technologies — You'll see the impact of new technologies and the latest innovations, discoveries and new solutions on the horizon.
Economic and Business Forecasts — You'll get vital updates on major economic, business and consumer trends, and investment and financial outlooks.
Environment and Resource Outlook — New ideas and reports on natural resources, habitats, sustainable communities and more.
Social Trends — Changes in values and lifestyles and topics such as religion, entertainment, sports, arts, language, sex and family.
Demographics — The latest trends on population, immigration, births, deaths, marriages, and other vital information.
Government and Regulatory Trends — The impact of laws, regulations, taxes, politics, diplomacy and war.
This “Six Sector” analysis of trends saves you time by compressing a massive amount of information into six major categories. What you get in each issue is a careful selection of the most interesting and significant current reports on trends, forecasts, and potentially important developments.
THE FUTURIST will help you navigate through rapid developments and sort through this era of information overload. You'll have ready access to critical information that could affect your future, making this a unique resource.
Outstanding Benefits Available Only to Members
Join the World Future Society today and you'll receive an array of exclusive benefits to help you anticipate change and create a better future both personally and professionally. As a World Future Society member you will receive:
THE FUTURIST: A Magazine of Forecasts, Trends and Ideas about the Future
This lively, independent magazine will keep you informed, enlightened and inspired. You'll get the latest developments, scenarios, and emerging technologies. You'll discover new solutions, visions, opportunities, and insights. You'll position yourself and your business to take advantage of important trends. And you'll get practical ideas and tools you can put to work to help you create a better tomorrow.
Each issue of THE FUTURIST includes these features:
Tomorrow-in-Brief — You'll get updates on breakthrough technologies and high-impact developments that are changing the world. Recent issues of THE FUTURIST have covered exciting new solutions such as:
Fireflies Help Fight Cancer — How researchers in England are using bioluminescence to target and kill cancer cells.
3-D TV Closer to Reality — Software that merges images from several projectors onto a single screen is about to make 3-D TV a reality. No funny 3-D sunglasses required. It's like “being there.”
Grow Your Own Replacement Teeth — Forget about crowns or implants. Soon you'll be able to grow your own natural replacement teeth. Stem cells are taken from an individual, treated and cultured in a laboratory, then reimplanted under the gum line at the site of the missing or extracted tooth. This then grows into a fully formed, live tooth in the same way that teeth develop naturally.
THE FUTURIST Brings You Expert Forecasts and Analyses of Trends
World Future Society membership includes a subscription to THE FUTURIST. A small sampling of well-known experts whose ideas have appeared in THE FUTURIST includes:
Peter F. Drucker — business visionary
Rosabeth Moss Kanter — management expert
B.F. Skinner — psychologist
Ray Kurzweil — inventor
Harvey Cox — theologian
Amitai Etzioni — sociologist
Glenn Seaborg — Nobel Prize-winning chemist
Margaret Mead — anthropologist
Gene Roddenberry — Star Trek creator
John Challenger — employment expert
Hazel Henderson — economist
Anthony Fauci — NIH AIDS expert
Nicholas Negroponte — new media visionary
Richard Lamm — former Colorado Governor
Kofi Annan — U.N. Secretary General
Herman Kahn — defense analyst
Fritjof Capra — physicist
Alvin and Heidi Toffler — authors
Julian Simon — economist
Carl Sagan — astronomer
Neil de Grasse Tyson — astronomer
Frederik Pohl — science fiction writer
E.F. Schumacher — economist
John Naisbitt — author
Harold Shane — educator
Daniel Yankelovich — public opinion expert
Gerard K. O'Neill — space exploration expert
Vaclav Havel — statesman
Marvin Cetron — forecaster
Sir John Templeton — famed investor
David Walker — U.S. Comptroller General
and far too many more to mention.
Get the next issue
Get the Latest Trends & Forecasts
THE FUTURIST brings you the most important trends categorized into our “Six Sector” analysis. You'll see remarkable developments now on the horizon, such as:
New double-duty power plants could ease the water crisis. A new process to remove salt from seawater and make it drinkable can be powered by the excess heat from electric power plants. A small operating prototype shows that tapping the waste heat from a 100-megawatt power plant could produce 1.5 million gallons of fresh water daily. The cost would be only $2.50 per 1,000 gallons — well below that of conventional desalination methods.
New System Reads Body Language — The truth is in your eyes — and your mannerisms. A system developed by University of Manchester scientists uses a camera and artificial intelligence to process patterns of non-verbal behavior. The system can assess levels of deception, aggression, exhaustion and even the initial stages of Parkinson's disease.
You'll get reviews of the most significant books and reports on the future, news about the activities of futurists around the world and resources you can rely on for more information. And, of course, you'll also receive…
Feature Articles You'll Find Nowhere Else
Each issue of THE FUTURIST brings you exclusive articles written by experts in their field. You'll get an in-depth exploration of the most important forecasts, trends and ideas about the future. Articles from recent issues include:
The GNR Revolution — The convergence of genetic engineering, nanotechnology and robotics may change the very meaning of “human” as we shape our evolutionary destiny.
A New Strategy for Globalization — As business breaks down borders and corporations roam the world in search of profits, we need to be sure the international system is built on a foundation of cooperation and consent.
Learning for Ourselves: A New Paradigm for Education — Why learning should be taken out of the hands of antiquated school systems and put into the hands of learners, according to a leading education consultant.
What Experts are Saying
The World Future Society offers wonderful tools to grasp unfamiliar issues and help understand new technologies.
“I have been an enthusiastic reader of THE FUTURIST for many years, and applaud you on an excellent publication. It is hard to find people or publications that give serious consideration to what the future will be like.”
Ray Kurzweil, inventor, author, “The Age of Spiritual Machines”
“I couldn't resist the opportunity to join more than a thousand fellow futurists at the World Future Society's annual meeting.”
Michael Rogers, The Practical Futurist, MSNBC
Reshaping Retirement: Scenarios and Options — Retirement may disappear altogether in the future as aging workers outlive their savings or choose to keep working. Here's how individuals and policy makers can help ensure rewarding lives for older persons in the next 20 years.
A Planet Under Stress: Rising to the Challenge — We need to restructure our economy with lower income taxes and increased taxes on environmentally destructive activities, such as use of fossil fuels, says one environmental advocate.
The Superlongevity Revolution — The human species is in the early phases of an expansion of the average life span into the hundreds and beyond.
Virtual Reality Is Getting Real — In the next 15 years VR experiences will be fully integrated into real life. We'll “attend” meetings, practice surgical techniques, travel to exotic places, test design flaws before building things, and create digital clones to be our representatives in virtual worlds.
Through the pages of THE FUTURIST, you'll see the ideas and new developments that are changing the way people think, live, work, and play.
But THE FUTURIST is just one benefit of your membership. You'll also have the opportunity be part of…
A Worldwide Network that Puts YOU on the Cutting Edge of Change…
WFS will help you network with a wide range of thought-leaders from many fields, backgrounds and countries. These are the people whose ideas and innovation are changing the way people live, work and play. You'll be able to meet and share ideas with other forward-looking individuals in your area and around the world.
Meet Leading Thinkers and Doers at WFS Conferences
Speakers at WFS conferences have included:
Al Gore — Vice President
Newt Gingrich — House Speaker
Gerald Ford — President
Walter Mondale — Vice President
Sir Arthur C. Clarke — author
Buckminster Fuller — visionary designer
Gene Roddenberry — Star Trek creator
Betty Friedan — author
Fritjof Capra — physicist
Isaac Asimov — writer
Alvin Toffler — futurist
Marilyn Ferguson — visionary
Les Aspin — Senator
Hazel Henderson — economist
Lester Brown — environmentalist
Hubert H. Humphrey — Vice President
Marshall McLuhan — media guru
B.F. Skinner — psychologist
Margaret Mead — anthropologist
Timothy Leary — psychologist
Jay Rockefeller — Senator
Doug Casey — investment author
Ray Kurzweil — inventor
John Naisbitt — author
Glenn Seaborg — Nobel Prize-winning chemist
Ellen Burstyn — actress
Herman Kahn — defense analyst
Many others prominent in their respective field or country.
In today's fast-changing world we cannot learn fast enough on our own. With membership in the World Future Society you'll be part of a unique “learning community” actively exploring possible future developments and working to shape the future for the better.
Your Membership Also Entitles You to These Additional Benefits:
Experience the Future at Unique and Exciting Conferences — From presidential candidates to prominent scientists, WFS conferences feature thought-leaders on the cutting edge of change. These unique meetings have been described as “a world's fair of ideas” and “the greatest intellectual show on earth.” No other conference brings together so many original thinkers and doers from so many fields. You'll receive early invitations and members' discounts for these important events.
Meet Other Forward-Looking People in Your Area — As a member you can join local chapters. WFS now has 48 active chapters in the U.S. and a total of 117 Cities and 39 Countries. WFS chapters offer you the opportunity to network with forward-looking colleagues in your area. You'll be able make important professional and personal contacts. And you can participate in meetings, luncheons and other events, featuring well-known and cutting edge speakers.
Get Updates on Vital Trends — Your membership also entitles you to receive Futurist Update. This e-mail newsletter keeps you in touch with up-to-the-minute news. You'll get up-to-the-minute breakthroughs, the latest research, news, and links to futurist Web sites around the world.
Interact with Other Thought-Leaders Around the World — As a member, you'll be able to participate in online forums exploring vital topics on the future. You can post your ideas and get reactions from others around the world. Current forums cover subjects such as education, futurist methodologies, preventing terrorism, global strategies, cyber society, future generations, and more.
Keep up on the Newest Breakthroughs on Education and Training in the Future — Learning Tomorrow is a quarterly Web publication on Futures Education and the Future of Education. It publishes a range of articles from educators and learning specialists around the world.
Stay Current with the Activities of Futurists Around the World — You'll also receive a subscription to Future Times. This online journal will keep you up to date on new programs, activities and undertakings within the Society, both at the international and the chapter level.
Save on the Best Future-Oriented Books, Tapes, CDs and More — We'll bring you reviews and summaries of the best books. You'll be entitled to members-only discounts on hard-to-find books and other resources on future-related topics.
What Experts are Saying
“I have never had a journal ‘swiped’ as much as my copies of THE FUTURIST.”
Dr. Charles W. Case, University of Vermont
“The World Future Society keeps us aware of and focused on the future. It's a great help in our efforts to help all our clients profit from change.”
Arnold Brown, chairman, Weiner, Edrich, Brown
“You deserve all of the accolades for turning THE FUTURIST into an outstanding journal — the preeminent publication in the futures field.”
Robert W. Prehoda, author
All together, membership in the World Future Society is an incredible value. It's a total package of tools, information and a unique network to help you succeed in a rapidly changing world. You can join today and try everything at absolutely no risk.
World Future Society membership and THE FUTURIST will help you:
Prepare for the Opportunities and Challenges of Tomorrow — You'll be able to position your career, your business, your family, and your investments to capitalize on trends and avoid threats.
See the Big Picture while Others Are Down in the Weeds — You'll understand the larger forces shaping day-to-day events. And you'll have advance notice of new inventions, new ideas well before others in your field.
See the Connections When Others See only Random Events — You'll see how the sudden events that make the news in your industry are part of larger pattern of change.
Learn to Manage and Lead Change — Creating change is the essence of leadership. You'll learn how change happens and how to make plans that anticipate a changing world.
Be First to Know of New Inventions and Breakthrough Technologies — Chances are today's hot tech stock is based on technology THE FUTURIST covered years earlier. You'll get advance notice of exciting new technologies often years before they hit the news. And you'll have a context to evaluate the impact of new inventions.
Gain Peace of Mind — With the perspective you'll gain from membership, you'll understand many of the larger trends now changing the world. As you see the larger view you'll feel much more able to understand and navigate the forces of change.
Save Time — With the Internet and 24/7 news it can seem impossible to keep up with all the information. When you know the trends you can cut through the clutter and focus on the news most relevant to your goals.
Find New Solutions — You'll gain new vision, expand your horizons and be able to overcome mental roadblocks. You'll understand the impact of changes outside your industry or area of expertise.
Make Better Decisions — You'll have a much better understanding of your opportunities, potential threats and the long-term impacts of your choices.
Act with Confidence in an Uncertain World — You'll have unique tools, information and a network to help you succeed amid complexity and rapid change.
What Experts are Saying
‘The Cutting Edge’
“The WFS membership represents the cutting-edge cognoscenti of a host of fields, including science, academia, politics, government, even religion. Ideas that gain acceptance among the WFS crowd soon fan out into the general culture.”
Michael G. Zey, Ph.D., executive director, The Expansionary Institute; author, “The Future Factor”
“The World Future Society is unequaled in the role that it plays in helping those interested in the future — from around the world — to be exposed to new ideas. Its publications are must-reads.”
John L. Petersen, president, The Arlington Institute; author, “The Road to 2015”
World Future Society membership and THE FUTURIST are a total information system to help you succeed in a rapidly changing world. You'll be able to position your career, your education, your family, your investments, even where you choose to live — in ways that use trends to your advantage.
FREE with Your One-Year Membership
Accept our invitation to join now and you'll also receive these exclusive special reports:
Exploring Tomorrow: Keys to Success in a Rapidly Changing World
This authoritative guide will give you the latest trends, forecasts and insights to help you understand the changes now underway. Chapters include: The Digital Dynamic: How Communications Media Shape Our World… 7 Strategies for Generating Breakthrough Ideas… Hydrogen and the New Energy Economy… Nanotechnology: Benefits and Risks… Finding the High-Paying Careers of the Next 20 Years… How to Succeed in the Hyper-Human Economy… and more.
Get Four More FREE Gifts and Save When You Join for Two Years
Join for two years and you'll save a full 20% off your second year's dues and get these valuable extra gifts:
Technology's Promise: Highlights from the TechCast Project The Hydrogen Economy will seriously begin to supersede the Oil Economy by about 2020. The portability, power, and connectivity of media devices will make entertainment-on-demand a force to be reckoned with among mass-entertainment providers. Space tourism is on the verge of “a golden age,” as short, suborbital flights become more affordable — and whet the public's appetite for longer adventures.
Future Careers: The High Potential Jobs of Tomorrow — This special report highlights the important trends affecting jobs and work in the next 10-20 years. It includes detailed descriptions of more than 25 totally new, high-paying careers. You'll learn the qualifications and skills required and get a five-step process for career planning to help you succeed in a rapidly changing economy. If you're an employee, an employer or a student, this report is an essential guide to high pay, job security and enjoyable work in the years ahead.
55 Trends Shaping Tomorrow's World — This unique report highlights important economic, societal, environmental, technological, and organizational trends that are changing our world. Here you'll find the key opportunities and threats that can help you create a better future for yourself and your organization. The authors support each trend with solid data and outline its implications for individuals, organizations and society.
The Art of Foresight: Preparing for a Changing World — Foresight is the secret ingredient of success. This special report shows how futurist techniques are used by individuals, businesses and governments to spot trends and develop strategies for creating a better future. You'll learn about techniques such as environmental scanning, trend analysis, trend projection, scenarios, polling, models, computer simulations and more.
The Annual Outlook Report: The Year's Most Important and Intriguing Forecasts
Respond today and download this bonus report immediately. This exclusive collection presents the most thought-provoking forecasts from the past year published in THE FUTURIST. You'll get dozens of intriguing forecasts from leading futurists covering a wide range of subjects. The most vital trends and forecasts affecting business, economics, education, energy, environment, government, health, lifestyles, resources, technology, terrorism, world affairs and more.
The #1 Secret of Success
What is the key to great success? Is it hard work? Intelligence? Education? I believe real success comes from the ability to create the future. It's the ability to see possibilities that others don't see. And chart a path to get there.
Truly successful people are those who are ahead of the curve. They get there first. They see opportunities or dangers far ahead of the competition. In a world of rapid change, the first mover has a huge advantage. That's why truly successful people don't let the future just happen — they create it.
What Experts are Saying
“Examining the future is an essential competitive intelligence tool. World Future Society publications and conferences make interpreting the future easier for us and our clients.”
Dr. Michael Jackson,
Chairman, Shaping Tomorrow
‘A Vital Role’
“The World Future Society plays a vital role in the futures field. I am very grateful to the WFS for the wide range of activities it has sponsored and supported over the years.”
Richard Slaughter, former president, World Futures Studies Federation
“Many thanks for sending THE FUTURIST which I read with great interest...”
— Sir Arthur C. Clarke, author, “2001: A Space Odyssey”
How much is a view of the future worth to you? This knowledge could help you find ground-floor business and investment opportunities… help you or your children find a new career… give you advance warning of changes or threats from outside your area of specialization… the inspiration to start a new business.
And you'll enjoy an exciting adventure on the forefront of change. You'll be first among your colleagues to know about exciting trends… breakthrough technologies… and the paradigm-shifting new concepts that are changing the world.
This information, this new, broader outlook can be priceless. But you can have all these resources at your service for just $59 a year — less than 17 cents a day. Many newsletters and professional associations charge many times this amount. And you'll get all the great free gifts described earlier with this no-risk offer. They're yours to keep even if you cancel and ask for a full refund. So this offer is better than risk-free because you keep the gifts.
On the Threshold of New Possibilities…
You stand on the verge of an entire new way of looking at your life, your possibilities and your potential. World Future Society membership can give you much greater ability to shape your future. It can be an essential part of a better tomorrow for yourself, your children and your grandchildren.
I hope you'll join us and become part of a unique network of the world's most creative, forward-looking, solution-minded people. And I hope to meet you myself at our next conference or participate with you in an online forum.
Your Satisfaction is 100% Unconditionally Guaranteed for the Life of Your Membership. If at any time, for any reason, you are not 100% satisfied with your membership benefits, you may cancel at any time and receive a full refund of your introductory membership dues. And you may keep all the free gifts we've sent you with my compliments for giving this offer a try.
As soon as we receive your membership application, we'll activate your benefits and rush your first copy of THE FUTURIST and your free gifts. I urge you to do it now, while this special offer is still in effect.
It is my sincere wish to see you benefit from a better understanding of the trends shaping our future. World Future Society membership and THE FUTURIST magazine are the best sources to help you do it. I hope you accept this no-risk offer and claim your free gifts. Please click here now to get started today.
Timothy C. Mack
P.S. Get Four Extra FREE Gifts and Save When You Join for Two Years! The same 100% money-back guarantee applies.
P.P.S. Download this free report as soon as you join. Join now and you'll also receive the World Future Society's annual Outlook Report. This collection of dozens of this year's most important and intriguing forecasts is yours absolutely FREE. But please act quickly to reserve your copy. Join Today! All the gifts are yours to keep even if you cancel and ask for a refund.
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